Speech and Language Services
Direct speech and language therapy along with family involvement
Providing professional recommendations as needed
Notes provided after sessions as needed
Home programming provided
Direct therapy
Family involvement
Parent coaching
Parent education
In-person and/or telehealth
Duration and frequency varies from once a month to multiple times per week
Specialized Service & Consultation for 3-5 Years Old
Speech and Language Screening
Monitoring speech and language development
Monitoring cognitive, adaptive/self-help, social, gross motor and fine motor development
Providing professional recommendations as needed
Notes provided after sessions as needed
Home programming provided
Screening speech and language development
Screening cognitive, adaptive/self-help, social, gross motor and fine motor development
Providing professional recommendations as needed
Notes provided after session as needed
Mainly parent coaching and parent education
One time interaction and observation with child and family
Asking parents questions
Parent education and coaching provided
Mainly telehealth, but in-person as needed
Frequency can vary from twice monthly to quarterly
In-person and/or telehealth
Duration would be 30 minutes one time direct contact with family
Family will be provided with personalized notes regarding consultation/screening